Episode 4
Where there is water, there is life
"Nîpîy, which is water in Cree, means life… where there is water, there is life” - Katherine Swampy, Band Councilor, Samson Cree Nation
In this episode of What On EARTH Can We Do? we're chatting with the Emerald Award-Winning Vermilion River Watershed Alliance & Pigeon Lake Watershed Association to learn all about watersheds and why they're so important!
In this episode:
02:05 - “A watershed is basically a big area of land that drains water to a single point and that point is a body of water”
04:39 - “stewardship is basically taking ownership for where you live, it’s taking ownership of the environment around you and taking care of it and it’s incredibly important for providing something for the future”
12:42 - What on earth can we do as everyday people to protect our watersheds?
About our guests:
Vermilion River Watershed Alliance
The Vermilion River Watershed Alliance is a local nonprofit group formed to revive the watershed, which is part of the North Saskatchewan River watershed in Alberta. Through their efforts, they work to improve water quality, manage flooding, reduce erosion, retain soil and moisture content, and protect local wildlife.
Pigeon Lake Watershed Association
Pigeon Lake Watershed Association (PLWA) is a charitable, not-for-profit environmental advocacy group made up of people who live, work and play in Pigeon Lake and its watershed. Their mission is to enhance, preserve and protect Pigeon Lake and its watershed as a healthy and environmentally sustainable ecosystem for current and future generations.
Important links:
Purchase your Emerald Lifestyle Card and get discounts at sustainable businesses across Alberta - https://emeraldfoundation.ca/elc/